September 28, 2012     James Knapp

A New Season


     September is busting out all over!  I always love this time of year, when I receive multitudes of concert season brochures notifying me of exciting events and updates on groups planning international music tours. In the Northeast, The New England Conservatory Youth Symphony and the New England Conservatory Youth Symphony Orchestra are two of the many groups that have traveled with Encore Tours. As a resident of Boston, I personally look forward to hearing their concert at the acoustic dream of a performance space, Jordan Hall.

     It is always so hard to decide what concerts to attend. Boston is full of fantastic choirs (many who go on choir tours to Europe), stunning orchestras, nationally-renowned conservatories and several other fine schools of music that offer free concerts to the residents of our beautiful city. I am sure that all of you have some wonderful choices in your respective communities as well. Get out there and support them as conductors, listeners and lovers of music!

Happy Fall!

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